When it comes to any kind of mental disorder, the most important factor is getting the right kind of help. For mental disorders like schizophrenia, the answer may not always present itself easily. Its association with psychosis is part of the reason why schizophrenia is often not easy to diagnose. It gradually deteriorates an individual’s perception of reality and makes them question their surroundings. A person suffering from schizophrenia is usually suspicious of people as they have trouble discerning reality from the hallucinations that plague them. It is a crucial time in their lives and they require all the support they can get, especially as early intervention is beneficial in the long term. At Calida Rehab Centre, we offer specialised treatments, consisting of various schizophrenia therapy techniques, including post-treatment care.
Understanding schizophrenia:
Schizophrenia is a mental disorder in which an individual experiences a disconnect between their thoughts, emotions, and behaviour. This disorder is chronic and emerges during the teenage or young adult phase for most people. An episode of psychosis characterises the onset of schizophrenia. People who suffer from this disorder usually require long-term treatment and care. Their symptoms may include auditory/visual hallucinations, delusions, disorganised thoughts, disconnected speech, inappropriate or unpredictable behaviour, and decreased emotional expression. Schizophrenia affects approximately 0.32% of people globally, with a rate of 1 in 222 adults.
Along with prescribed medication, psychotherapy is one of the most common ways of managing it. Psychotherapy for schizophrenia consists of several psychological techniques, majorly including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). Other types of therapies include Family Therapy and Supportive Therapy, which reduce the individual’s stress and encourage understanding within their family.
Our treatment approach:
Schizophrenia treatment at Calida Rehab consists mainly of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). CBT helps individuals to identify and modify their thought processes and behaviours that lead to the manifestation of their symptoms. CBT is known to help vastly against delusions/hallucinations and to improve problem-solving and coping skills. Another essential treatment employed at Calida Rehab is the Solfeggio Relaxation Therapy. This is a sound therapy in which specific frequencies are used to invoke a feeling of relaxation, providing a great means to reduce the stress levels of the patient. Additionally, we emphasise creating a daily routine to structure the lives of these individuals and make their environment supportive. Our focus lies in enhancing their life through social, emotional, and skill-based aspects to create a happier lifestyle for them.
Additional support:
Along with the therapies listed above, we also provide additional support to provide ease to the patients. The team at Calida Rehab consists of experienced professionals who act as a supportive guide to assist in the reintegration of individuals struggling with schizophrenia. Our trained therapists conduct sessions for social skills training and improvement. Psychoeducation is a crucial part of this stage, where coping skills and strategies are taught. We offer medication education and community resources to assist them further. Imparting details, possible side effects, and proper dosage is an important aspect of the medication knowledge we impart, along with supplementary community resources. We concentrate on imparting new skills to imbibe a sense of resilience to the patients and help them further in their rehabilitation.
Schizophrenia is a disorder which can seriously impair the daily lives of the individuals affected by it. Raising awareness about this disorder and providing a community of support and resources is what Calida Rehab is about. We pride ourselves on prioritising your health and the health of your loved ones. It is essential to get the right kind of help and support when battling mental disorders, and we are here to assist. Take the right step to recovery at Calida Rehab.